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What is the Sin Nature

What is the Sin Nature?

When Adam sinned , his nature became bent towards doing wrong because in sinning he not only determined to reject God’s word, but also separated himself from God. After this happened, all of the offspring from Adam and Eve were born with his fallen image and likeness. As a result, we are all born separated from God in our spirit with a nature that wants to do wrong; even though we have a conscience which knows what is beneficial (good) from what causes calamity (evil).

Wrong does not just mean wicked or evil, although both of these terms can be included in doing wrong. Most of the things we seek to do that are wrong are a result of us rejecting God’s way and seeking to do it our own. Such as, we want to please God through our own efforts (works) rather than living out from faith through grace. Both actually produce works. Faith without works is dead – how can you say you have faith if your actions never show it? One manifests works to please God, the other displays works because in Christ we are already pleasing to Him. Israel rejected the righteousness of God in Christ because they sought to make their own righteousness through works.

The Sin Nature is terminology that is used to describe our bent nature that we received from Adam. Scripture does not use this specific term, but rather refers to it as sin or the flesh. However, it does specifically describe a part of us that seeks to do those things that we know are not right and how to overcome it, which is not referring to […]

What is the Sin Nature2018-11-11T22:52:32-08:00

Definition of Sin

The Definition of Sin

The definition of sin has become so elusive today that there are so called “sins” in many churches that cannot be found in Scripture. How do you know what a sin is? True, we see very well defined sins in Scripture such as adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, murder, etc., but what about the things that are not revealed in Scripture. Is it a sin not to give ten percent of your wages to the Church? Is it a sin for a husband to ignore his wife? What about which movies you watch, what you wear, what friends you hang out with, going to a party…, how do we know if they are sins?

“Missing the mark” as a definition of sin is very predominate in teachings today. However, there is a problem with this definition. First of all, what mark are we missing? When we start asking this question we will find that the answer is a moving target. Secondly, this definition is so generic it allows for really anything to be put in as the mark missed. The mark could be, not living up to God’s glory; having a ruined character; not abiding by God’s law; and they go on and on. Lastly, where this definition comes from is an issue. In the book of Judges the word normally translated as “sin” from the Hebrew is used to describe men who are so good with a sling that they do not miss their targets. The meaning “missing the mark” comes off of a miss understanding of how this word is used in this passage and also requires ignoring other passages of Scripture that specifically define sin. These men are so good […]

Definition of Sin2018-10-28T13:29:20-07:00

Sin, Trespass, and the Mind

The definition of sin has become so elusive today that there are so called “sins” in many churches that cannot be found in Scripture. How do you know what a sin is? True, we see very well defined sins in Scripture such as adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, murder, etc., but what about the things that are not revealed in Scripture. Is it a sin not to give ten percent of your wages to the Church? Is it a sin for a husband to ignore his wife? What about which movies you watch, what you wear, what friends you hang out with, going to a party…, how do we know if they are sins?

“Missing the mark” as a definition of sin is very predominate in teachings today. However, there is a problem with this definition. First of all, what mark are we missing? When we start asking this question we will find that the answer is a moving target. Secondly, this definition is so generic it allows for really anything to be put in as the mark missed. The mark could be, not living up to God’s glory; having a ruined character; not abiding by God’s law; and they go on and on. Lastly, where this definition comes from is an issue. In the book of Judges the word normally translated as “sin” from the Hebrew is used to describe men who are so good with a sling that they do not miss their targets. The meaning “missing the mark” comes off of a miss understanding of how this word is used in this passage and also requires ignoring other passages of Scripture that specifically define sin. These men are so good with the sling that […]

Sin, Trespass, and the Mind2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00


Sin (Lawlessness)

The Origin of Sin

Satan is the originator of sin1.

The Definition of Sin

Sin is lawlessness. When someone knowingly does something that ignores the standards that God has set for them to live by, they are sinning2. Sin for a Christian is anything that is not done out from faith.

Through Sin, Death Entered the World

Adam’s trespass caused spiritual death and his sin caused physical death3. The sin and trespass of Adam were imputed unto all mankind, therefore all mankind is spiritually dead in sin and all are dying physically4. Prior to Adam’s sin death was not know in the world. Only the Christians that are physically alive at the time of the rapture will not face physical death. These Christians will pass over death into life 5.


1 Ezekiel 28:15, 16
2 1 John 3:4
3 Romans 5:12, 15
4 Romans 5:12-15
5 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

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2 Corinthians The Christ, A New Creation

Astounded, to God, A Saved Frame of Mind to You, 2 Corinthians 5:13

Astounded – To Stand Out From

The Devout Jews in Jerusalem Hearing the Galileans Speak in Their Dialect, Acts 2:7

Simon the Magician astounding the people of Samaria, Acts 8:9

Simon the Magician’s Seeing the Signs and Wonders Phillip Did in Samaria, Acts 8:13

The Jews with Peter at Cornelius’ House, Acts 10:45

Peter Knocking at the Door of Mary’s House, Acts 12:16

Astounded Is Primarily Used in the Gospels and the Book of Acts

Being Astounded is a feeling or showing of great surprise or wonder

Does not mean to be out of one’s mind

The Jews Concerning Jesus Being Insane, John 10:19-21

Paul Speaking Truth to Festus, Acts 26:24-25

Seeing Something That Blows the Mind

Our Astonishment is Towards God

Towards Others, Having a Sound Frame of Mind, 2 Corinthians 5:13

Having a Saved Frame of Mind

Young Men are to Have a Saved Frame of Mind, Titus 2:6-8

The End is Near So We All Should Have A Saved Frame of Mind, 1 Peter 4:7

The Framing of the Mind is What Boundaries We Set on Our Mind

We Are to Frame Our Minds on The Things Above, Colossians 3:1-2

Not Having a High Frame of Mind Concerning Yourself, Romans 12:3

Having the Same Frame of Mind as Christ, Philippians 2:5-8

What Paul is Expressing to Us is Not Astounding, For With the Holy Spirit We Can Understand

Christ Died Once for All,

2 Corinthians The Christ, A New Creation2023-12-14T12:24:09-08:00
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